Severe hot days are still continuing.
It is a difficult season, but it is also the season when a glass of beer tastes the best when you go home!
By the way, I am not a beer drinker, so I am spending this summer in the style of drinking barley tea instead.
Now, I would like to introduce the new equipment that will be used at GWO WAH training.
Photo on the left is the “MILAN 2.0 POWER” made by SKYLOTEC. The handle can be hoisted y attaching a special power tool to the center of the handle.
The photo on the right is “AG 10K Hub A”, manufactured by PSA. This device is characterized by its compact handle and bright blue body.
Both are the same rescue device, but they are operated in different ways.
In the event of an emergency, it is important to know how to operate the device you are likely to use so that you do not panic and say “I don’t know how to use this…”
There are several other types of rescue devices available. When you join the course, please try to use various devices.
We all looking forward to seeing you soon.
(Mickey, Training Section)