SPC(Training for Seaplane Crew)has been held, September 29 – 30
Hot summer gone and cool season has come to Kitakyushu.
The training including underwater egress for seaplane crew has been held in NSTC.
We have provided many trainings tailored to variety of aircrafts such as rotary wing and fixed wing.
The layout of our training simulator which we use for underwater egress can be shifted as the position of seating and exits and types of seatbelt are adjustable.
Before training we shift the layout to fit delegates’ needs as much as possible and make a full effort to create environment closer to their real operation.
Here are one of the comments from delegates.
“I appreciate for NSTC’s effort which you researched airplane more than us and provided good training. There are many training centers who carry out training with equipment and facilities which are different from real situation. However your training center made effort to tailor the training by matching up to reality. I was moved to your corporate attitude and are filled with high reliability to your training center. I will introduce your training centers if opportunities offer. Thank you very much”
From NSTC: As well as changing layout of simulator, NSTC will try our best to contribute to the promotion of your daily safety awareness. Thank you very much for joining!