STCW course from 7th July to 11th July
5day STCW basic training course, from July 7 to July 11, has been held. Delegates learn those must items for ship crews such as sea survival, firefighting and first aid in the lectures and the practical trainings. The delegates showed a great team work, largely due to the fact they were from a same company. They generated various ideas and wisely applied what they leaned to the simulation training.
We’d like to introduce you “Kotaro”, our dummy who has been working very hard in the fast aid and the firefighting training. He plays a big role in transportation training and search and rescue training. He seems a little sad while waiting for his turn. He is one of our very important staff.
Dummy awaits his turn
Here are some comments from our delegates.
“I find this training useful in sharing basic principle as we all have different skill level. However, for sea survival, I think we all should aim to skill up individually. This training simulated the situation close to my work place over all.”
FROM NSTC: We intend to deliver the training covering difficulties you may face at your work place. This course aims to teach delegates basic skill as in the title,” basic training”, however we would like you to take the basic skill back to your work place, and develop it into higher level in your ship’s drill. Thank you very much for joining our training course.
“It was great that all the practical trainings had simulated training included, and it made me think about what was missing in my work place. However the lectures could use a little more actual ship related examples considering the course was made for ship crews.”
FROM NSTC: Delegates learn how to apply theories and basic techniques which they learned to the simulated training. AS there would be a lot more possible situations in your work place other than what you practiced, we hope the training gave you opportunity to think about what kind of tools or mindset you need. Thank you very much for your valuable opinion that helps to improve quality of our future training, and in fact we would like to incorporate more actual ship related examples in our future lectures.