Cleanup Mission
In the morning of June 13, NISSUI Group Cleanup Mission and ISO Community Cleanup Mission has been implemented and joined by most of the employees working in the office. It had been raining since the morning, but it seems like the raindrop stopped for us so that we could enjoy this cleanup mission. We swept along the street and quay around our company.
Most common litter was the cigarette butt. Each of the cigarette butt is small, therefore the bulk volume was not so big, but we could find them everywhere. It is difficult to find the place to smoke inside the building these days, smokers going outside the building to smoke and there is a needs to carry ashtray for that purpose. I got the idea of creating NSTC’s original mobile ashtray as our original goods from this experience! Let’s see if I can come off this idea or not
Litters gathered into the special volunteer litter bag.
We also gathered tin cans, food containers and snack bags, waste cloth, weed and woods.
NISSUI MARINE KOGYO CO., LTD conduct this kind of cleanup activity regularly.
We could start the day in refreshing mood after the activity as well as refreshing the neighbor environment.
Refreshing smile of participants