
OPITO approved BOSIET & HUET course have been held, April 7 to 9

Hello, I am NSTC-1, a lifeboat which has been used for the Sea Survival Training at NSTC.  We have delivered OPITO approved BOSIET course from 7the to 9th April and HUET course on 8th.  I would like to introduce our training from a perspective of “lifeboat”.blush


April is a season when we typically have freshmen, new employees, transfer, it’s a beginning of a new life.  Easter is one of the traditional events in spring, and it is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.  Talking about “resurrection”, there are many things that “recover” many times during our training.  One of them is me, lifeboat.


Usually, lifeboat may be launched for inspection on board, but not so often.  Here in NSTC, I am launched several times a day when we have Sea Survival Training.  If there are many delegates, we divide the delegates in two groups, so I would be launched twice with the delegates.  I had been launched during pre-training inspection, so I was “recovered” three times in total for one training.  I am proud of myself as “the hardest-working lifeboat” in Japan.sparkles

The delegates are usually delighted to be able to be on board me, as there are not much opportunity getting onboard lifeboat.  I am always happy to see delegates’ satisfaction with delighted smile over their face.sweat_smile


As I am launched very often, training staff sprinkle fresh water and clean me up, therefore, I am always shiny clean orange!!star2

The original USB memory modeling me is top favorite and bestseller in our centerexclamation

Now, leaving advertising at that, let me move on introducing some comments that we have received from the delegates.

“The training was very dedicated and clear to understand compared with the training center abroad. The training so reliable that I could complete without any fear as it was paid careful attention to safety.  I would like to recommend this training to my colleague.”

There have been many comments that lecture in own language (Japanese) made them understand dramatically more compare to the training in their second language.  One of the aims of our training is to enhance your safety awareness, so we try our best to behave in a good way to show eloquent safety manner.  We are looking forward to seeing your colleague in near future!” (From NSTC)

“The BOSIET course is excellent and instructors and facility are so good.  I would strongly recommend this institution for gaining confidence in doing offshore work safely.”

One of our aims is to have the delegates gaining confidence to cope with in emergency situation as well as gaining safety awareness.  We would like to pursue to improving the quality of our training and facility.  I am looking forward to seeing you at FOET course in four years.  Thank you very much for joining us!” (From NSTC)




April 2015
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