METS Annual Maintenance
I hope you have had wonderful long vacation as we call “Golden Week” in Japan, travelling with your family or meeting with your friends.
Right before the vacation, there was an Annual Maintenance of our METS (Modular Egress Training Simulator) here in NSTC. METS is a training simulator we use for HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training), not a Major League Baseball team.
We thanked our simulator for having endured training for one year, as well as we overhauled it so that the simulator can hold out for another year. We dismounted the doors, windows, seats and wall panels to check each of the bolt and screw to inspect any defects or damages in detail. We had technician from the manufacturer to check any changes in maintenance procedures and detailed inspection manner.
Wall panels have been taken off from the METS
Technic advisor, Steve
Operation Test after re-install the doors, seats and panels
We spent three days for the maintenance. We received the official go-ahead from the manufacturer and the preparation has been done for safe training for another year. We look forward to have delegates joining the training with our METS soon.