
Large installation to sustain hot and passionate training

An autumnal rain front had brought rainy days in the beginning of last week and heavy rain and wind were brought by Typhoon No.21 over last weekend to start up this week.We had plenty of trainings throughout these two weeks, Survival Training on 16th, ADC on 19th, FOET on 20th, SPC on 21st, STCW-Refresher course from 23 to 24. We also had Diving Techniques Training from 16to to 20th and Diving Techniques Training Marine Practice from 23rd to 27th. The climate getting colder and colder, the water temperature of the training pool is now under 27degree if we do not run the boiler. Now it’s time to start running the water boiler for the training pool.

I would like to introduce some of the installation that I manage, the boiler that heats up the training pool water for us and the equipment that controls chlorine level.

This is a system control chlorine level of the pool, named Jun (“Purity” in Chinese character).

The formal name for this system is “Automatic residual chlorine concentration control system”.It analyze residual chlorine concentration of the filtrated circulated water of the training pool and destroy bacterium by sodium hypochlorite. sweat_drops


Next installation I introduce is the filtration and circulation system for the pool water.2 spherical body as a set, and we have 4 sets of the installation in order to filtrate and circulate the water.sparkles


The last installation I’d like to introduce is the boiler to heat the water for the shower and training pool.

front view                  side view



We have the boiler for the shower on the right side andfor the pool on the left side“Vacotin Heater”,I can hear large sound says“vacotin, vacotin” to work hard heating the water when I switch


These installations creates the training environment that has clean quality controlled water and warm water so that the delegates won’t freeze even in Winter. Plus, the instructor and staff’s passion also heat up the training environment smile


We raise National Flag, Nissui Marine’s flag and NSTC’s flag on the day when we have training. Please have a look at them when you visit our training center. The flags are not raised when it is raining, though.crossed_flags


(Akira, Training Support Manager)




October 2017
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