Blooming Report from Wakamatsu 2019
Annual enjoyment has come.
In our Firefighting Training Facility in Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, flowers on the Japanese apricot trees had started to bloom in mid-January, and then nightingale started to sing a song in mid-February followed by the bloom of weeping cherry trees in the end of February.

The tree is a mere baby tree, and not yet been overhanging, but two fo the weeping cherry tree are in bloom.
Trees have bloomed about 2 weeks earlier than usual..
Someiyoshino cherry blossoms will be in bloom in mid-March.
8 years has passed since we plant those trees, Japanese plum and cherry blossomshave pleased our eyes every year. They are not that big, but thriving with NSTC’s history. Please find and enjoy them if any of you visit the facility timely. If you cannot find them, ask staff to introduce you to them.
(Kenichi, Training Section)