Summer Heat and Humidity
The summer heat and humidity has once again graced us with its presence.
I would like everyone at work and at play to take time to stay cool and hydrated.
Tips from the Red Cross include:
Stay Connected:
Insure family, friends, and pets do not remain in unattended vehicles. Regularly check-in on elderly family members.
Stay Hydrated:
Don’t wait until you are thirsty (avoid sweet, alcoholic, and caffeinated drinks). Replace lost salts and minerals with sports drinks, supplements, and food. Don’t forget about your pets!
Stay Cool:
Stay in the shade or indoors. In dry and hot climates don’t use a fan when it’s over 35°C. Schedule outside work and activities around the peak temperatures. When outside, use sun protections such as hats, umbrellas, sunscreen, etc.
More information may be found on the homepage.
From personal experience, our mental awareness can start to decline at just 2°over natural body temperature.
Please be safe and enjoy the coming festivals and shaved-ice. I will be having the Blue-Hawaii.